Posts tagged Denmark

I apologize in advance for the click-bait toward the conspiracy theory aficionados of this world, as this is not a post about Flat Earth Theory. I just so happen to travel across one of the flattest piece of land on the oblate spheroid planet. Jutland (Danish: Jylland) is a large peninsula stretching northwards towards Scandinavia, and is the only part of Denmark, connected to the European continent, and hence sometimes know as mainland Denmark. But, most importantly, this is the region Anita is from… and it is F-L-A-T! Remember that comparison I made with Simba’s morning lesson? Well, it is even more true in this part of the Kingdom.

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We finally landed in Copenhagen after 16 hours on a red-eye. Although Anita and I travel quite regularly, it has been about a year since the last time I was on a plane for more than just a few hours. I am now back in Europe for a two-week vacation thanks to my lovely better half. This trip to Denmark marks not only my first visit to any Scandinavian country, but also the first leg out of three to what I consider to be the pilgrimage and foundation to a promising adventure. Right off the plane, the blue sky and fresh air reminded me of what it was like to live in Europe for three years.

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